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Welcome to a very wet Thursday here at the Kindergarten class! We managed to get outdoors today under the tree house cover for Mr Dan’s martial arts class and we will try again in the afternoon for our sport and movement session but it has been mostly an indoor day today.

In the morning our friends enjoyed exploring playdough with the cookie cutter templates and some other creepy crawlies like frogs, snakes and insects. Later in the morning we brought out some newer activities like a miniature tractor, digger, forklift set to dig through a big tray of stones. Also some mini hammer and nails to practice fine motor skills and make some wonderful pictures on corkboard. Miss Dominique set up an exciting car track with lots of ramps and turns and the children enjoyed putting their own exciting spins on the track.

We had some Christmas painting as well and the pictures looked absolutely wonderful. I have been very impressed with some of the pictures the children are able to make at the moment Especially Mariah, Charlotte and Ellie who are all very keen artists.

The children have absolutely loved dancing, singing and performing at the moment so we have had lots of talent show performances, acting shows and games like musical statues and musical chairs. Their confidence has increased so much over the year and it is great to see them showing initiative and asking for these games.

Enjoy the rest of your day everyone!

Miss Dom, Miss Jess and Mr Andrew