Welcome families and friends to our Thursday blog in the Kindergarten class.

Today we enjoyed the sunshine outdoors in a very busy playground where there were lots of exciting activities to engage in. The new outdoor kitchen area has been very popular with lots of equipment to scoop, pour, mix and fill things with. There is a nice cubby house to play in as well. Exploring with these activities help children understand concepts like how solids and liquids act and they help them develop fine motor skills in an environment where it is ok to spill but with an expectation to tidy up when they are finished.

Today we acknowledged Reconciliation week by reading some Aboriginal stories and acknowledging the practices that some groups still do like traditional spear fishing. We looked at the relationship that Aboriginal groups have towards the land and we tried to reflect this in our posters that we coloured in. We acknowledged the importance of including everyone and making sure that everyone has the same opportunities and the children gave lots of examples about how they could make sure that things we fair and everyone was included at Kindergarten.

Continuing our space theme, today we made some rockets! We made two different style rockets, one was a paper rocket that could be launched by blowing into a straw and the other was a cardboard one that was a little more robust. The children had opportunities to practice fine motor skills with cutting, using sticking tape, folding paper and colouring in. Future directions for this activity could be to experiment with size and shape of the rockets to see how they will fly differently and turn it into a science experiment.

After lunch we settled into some quieter activities which is very important at the moment as we have a busy class with some children sleeping. Self-regulation is a crucial skill for children to learn and has been heavily linked with future school success and job success later in life. Try and provide your children with as many opportunities as possible to manage these self-regulation skills like increasing the length of time they can focus on an activity and giving them the time to figure things out on their own



Thank you for joining us today and we will see you again soon.

Mr Andrew and Miss Jess