07 5529 8744 [email protected]

Happy Thursday everyone and welcome to the Kindy 1 blog today!

Everyone was glad to see the sun back today so we could enjoy our outdoor playground where the children enjoyed some obstacle course challenges, some reading under the shady trees and also a special volcano show with Mr Andrew!

Indoors today we enjoyed some free choice activities from the shelves while others completed their Mother’s Day crafts and their special secret letters that we will be posting out tomorrow! The children have enjoyed carrying out these projects and it is great to see them learning so many skills and being so goal driven to complete their projects.

Later in the afternoon we explored with playdough where we placed the ingredients on the table and demonstrated how much of each ingredient to place in the cup. The children then had the chance to do it themselves to see if they could remember how much of each ingredient to place in. This was an excellent activity for fine motor skills to scoop, pour and mix the ingredients together as well as understanding how wet and dry ingredients react together.

It was awesome to hear the children trying to get their formula just right by adding extra flour or more water/oil which shows they really understood the concepts of how the ingredients mix together to make the classic playdough texture. After everyone had made their playdough we compared each others batches and it was interesting to note the differences like soft vs. hard, sticky, vs crumbly and we tried to explain why each batch might have been like that.

In the afternoon we plan to have a music session with lots of singing and dancing as well as a sport and movement session to practice some catching skills.

Thanks for joining us today and have a wonderful evening.

Mr Andrew and Miss Crystal