07 5529 8744 [email protected]

Welcome to the Thursday blog for Kindergarten 1 classroom! We welcomed the cooler weather today and it showed as the children were a lot more active in the playground completing more of the obstacle course from yesterday. We have been trying to test our gross motor skills a lot lately with different challenges and today we also tried out some hurdles that Miss Emma bought for the senior playground. Maia, Denis Harry, Harvey Kent and Harvey Kyrkilis all were moving in a big line to test their jumping skills.

As we came indoors we took the roll and changed our calendar. Everyone was excitedly putting their hands up as they are becoming more familiar with the days of the week, dates, months of the year and seasons. After our delicious morning tea we gathered again and discussed our classroom rules. We made some special posters that we can refer to on the wall with some of the children acting out each rule. Here is what the children cam up with themselves as our classroom rules:

  • Inside voices
  • Walking feet inside
  • Hands and feet to ourselves
  • Tidy up when we are finished
  • Be kind to our friends

Mr Dan arrived for his Arakan martial arts session where the children practiced skills like learning their left and right, reacting quickly to instructions and catching and throwing skills. The children did well to have patience and perform the correct actions for each game.

In the afternoon we plan to sing some more prop songs together as a group to help develop language skills, counting skills and also confidence to speak, sing or perform actions in front of others. We will also discuss a new idea we will implement in the classroom called the “Kindness jar”. When we gather at group times we will point out all of the kinds things we have noticed the children doing and let them place a stone in the jar for each act of kindness. When the jar is full we will have a big class treat of the children’s choosing.

Thanks for joining us today and see you again soon.

Mr Andrew and Miss Natalie