Welcome to wonderful Thursday everyone, what a beautiful sunny day it has been today.

This morning as we knew it was going to be very warm this afternoon where it would be to hot for us to go outside, we decided to extend our morning play outside slightly. The children enjoyed engaging in a variety of play experiences especially in the sandpit, which was a nice cool spot for our friends. We then ventured inside to eat our delicious morning tea of apple slice pancakes and fruit, they were such a hit with a lot of the children.

At group time this morning the children sung their good morning songs so beautifully for Miss Livia who joined us in the Kindergarten today. The children have been practicing these so hard for their graduation performance. After group time the children moved off into their play experiences. One of which included continuing to explore colour mixing as we did yesterday with our hand prints, this time using different colours to explore the colours we could make. It was great to see lots of children involved, revisiting the experience, using the knowledge from yesterday to help them carry out this experience independently.

Another experience on offer today included making name labels for their work. I have been noticing that the children have been enjoying making a variety of creations that they do not want to break, so they can show their Mums and Dads but sadly they have been getting broken. To solve this problem I thought having their own name cards to place on their work might help. The children had the opportunity to write their name and decorate the label however they wished, and cut it out ready for me to laminate. I look forward to seeing if this new tool works.

Other play the children enjoyed exploring included Lego construction, block play and of course we had our Arakan lesson today.

Today two of our friends Hamilton and Liam brought in books to share with us Hamilton’s was a nice story about going to the library and Liam’s was about looking after the environment. After reading Liam’s book we had a discussion about how we can look after the environment. The children came up with some wonderful responses, here they are as follows.

How can we help the environment?

Sage “Be kind and not be too loud and that.”

Hamilton “Putting rubbish in the rubbish bin.”

Ariah “Sharing and no fighting.”

Layla “No picking up fish they belong in the water and no putting rubbish on the floor.”

Hayley “Be good, plant them flowers.”

Graysen “Be kind to fish.”

Wynter “Look after all the animals.”

Miss Livia “ turning off the lights when we don’t need them.”

We talked about water

Layla and Hayley talked about turning the tap off.

Thank you to Liam for bringing in this wonderful book that ignited a great discussion. Tomorrow we will continue to explore how we can look after the environment, through talking about what we can do to help the environment both at Kindy and at home.

We hope you all have a wonderful afternoon

Miss Emma and Miss Livia