Welcome to Tuesday
This morning we started our day engaging in a variety of play in the outdoor environment with our friends from Pre Kindy and Senior Kindy. After all of this playing we needed to come inside to refuel our bodies, ready for our morning of learning.
At group time this morning we started our day with our roll call incorporating a variety of different greetings included our new greeting that we are leaning which is “Jingeri” which comes from the Yugambeh people. Next we did our acknowledgement of country together, and our good morning songs. As we are currently working on the children being active participants when it comes to setting up our learning environment for the day. At group time I asked the children if they would like to share their ideas of what they thought we should set up on two of our tables for our morning play. Elliott suggested “Cutting and Jenga. Jaxon suggested painting. Graysen suggested puzzles. Phoenix suggested some blocks. After deliberation we decided that building with blocks and puzzles would be great choices for our table activities today. Our friends Phoenix and Graysen did a fantastic job of organising the resources setting these up for their peers. Well done Phoenix and Graysen. This week our book of the week is called “All about food and me”, I thought as the children are showing an interest in using their bodies through physical challenges it would be the perfect opportunity to introduce the topic of food and how it helps our bodies. After reading our story I posed a challenge to the children, which was encouraging them to try one new thing at meal times today. This would be great for families to encourage and try at home too. Over the course of the week we will be exploring food and food choices further with a variety of different activities. As we approached the end of group time today Elliott was our special friend to transition children into their morning activities.
As mentioned yesterday the children were very interested in creating their names using the PVA squeezy bottles, to trace over the letters of their names and sprinkling them with sand. The children were so focussed as they carefully traced over their letters and seemed so proud of what they had created as they called out to myself and Miss Steph to show us what they had created. It has been great to see over the past two days children who would not typically be interested in this activity, eager to give it a go.
As their is quite a few children who enjoy expressing their creativity and imagination, most days wanting to engage in a drawing activity, today I thought that the children may like to create their own storybook. This we will continue to add to over the rest of the year, with the end result being a wonderful collection of their stories. With the children being at varying abilities today they had the opportunity to draw their story, on completion retelling the story for me to write down and if they wished the children could write their story by copying the words I had written for them. It was great to see the children so excited to have a turn at creating their stories.
The children thoroughly enjoyed engaging with the wooden block activity that Phoenix had set up, creating lots of tall towers, castles and even some farms. At the puzzle table it was great to see the children working both collaboratively and independently as they manipulated the puzzle pieces into place. We also had Yoga with Miss Gabi which was so beautiful and relaxing.
This afternoon the children will have the opportunity to once again choose activities they would like to engage with, along with organising the required materials, playing go fish with Miss Steph and fingers crossed we can go outside and get our bodies moving if it does not rain.
If anyone has spare supermarket brochures at home we would love to have them at Kindy, as we are going to be doing an activity which requires us to cut out a variety of different foods.
Have a great afternoon
Miss Emma and Miss Steph