Hi families and welcome to our awesome Tuesday here in the Kindergarten room.
Today Mr Andrew and Miss Jess welcomed 14 shining stars as they all ran outside to enjoy their morning adventure of the great outdoors.
The children didn’t let the wind hold them back from having a breeze of fun outside exploring many things and activities. Some children were so eager for Miss Jess to play a soccer game as well as some kicking games and of course Miss Jess couldn’t say no as she too loved playing with the children and building positive relationships. The swing seemed like a very popular thing to be on as they took it in turns to have go swinging in the cool breeze. Some children also liked playing in the sandpit and finding the mud kitchen to be pretty awesome!!!
Soon it was time for all children to help tidy up the yard as one big team effort before all went inside. The Kindergarten children all came together on the green mat outside to go through our role, sing our good morning song and a song selection of the children’s choice. Then Mr Andrew asked the children to wash their hands and finding their way to the table to eat some delicious morning tea.
After Morning tea, Mrs A was waiting for us to all come sit on the green group time mat ready for our fun art lesson!! Children were so eager to see what they would be doing today!! Mrs A started with a beat clapping song, and 5 little sausages. This engages the children and helps Mrs A see that they are ready to hear what they are doing. In the art lesson today we did Lines – vertical and horizontal lines all different lengths and width. Children really did a great job at doing this activity, they all concentrated very hard to achieve the end result. Children too used natural materials to form either a horizontal or vertical pattern. This lesson helps children with their hand and eye coordination, practicing their pencil grip and to be able to follow instructions. To finish off the lesson Mrs A read a book called ‘Helping little star’. Thank you Mrs A and see you again next Tuesday for a lot of fun.
Children then self selected activities to do throughout the room as well as participating in table activities too, such as cutting and gluing the paper coins on paper as children have been very interested in money lately, so in extension to that throughout the week we will be focusing a lot on money and talking about what each note or coin means and how to use them correctly. The puzzles were explored by a few as children love problem solving to form the awesome picture at the end. The farm animals were liked by many children, they like using the loose materials as either food or houses. The Connectors are always a big favourite as they enjoy creating awesome things from them. All children have had a fun morning exploring so many fun things to do throughout their room.
This afternoon all children headed outside to enjoy the afternoon breeze and warm sun.
We hope you all have had a wonderful day and we will see you all soon,
Mr Andrew and Miss Jess.