Welcome to the Tuesday blog for our wonderful Kindergarten class.
Today was a busy start to the morning where the early arrivers began in the Pre-Kindy class with Miss TJ and did some active songs and explored their activities. As we moved outdoors the children chose activities like collecting water at the pump, riding their bikes, digging in the sandpit and cooking in the play kitchen. It has been great to see the children playing cooperatively and creating their own games that they make the rules for and adhere to. These moments are great for developing social skills and fostering autonomy and the ability to make decisions for themselves.
Mr Andrew also set up some games like croquet and a plant watering station so the children had something purposeful to do with the water. This is a big focus for the Maria Montessori learning approach where activities should be purposeful so that children learn independence skills and how to look after themselves and the environment.
We welcome back Miss Jess to the Kindergarten class after a long time away with the babies. The children were so excited to see her back and with the greater numbers it will mean we will be able to do more awesome activities.
As we came indoors we had a music session exploring things such as sign language songs, acapella singing, tapping stick songs and dancing songs. The children are learning how to time their actions to keep a beat which takes a lot of skill and perseverance. Music is also very social because the children are watching and copying what others are doing while having lots of fun. We also try and offer the children opportunities to be creative at this time by making their own beats. You can see the children getting more confident and creative every day we do these music activities which is awesome to see. Additionally we are expanding our sign language vocabulary with our colours of the rainbow songs so I challenge the families to test their children at home with this as they are doing really well.
Moving outdoors again, we practiced a chasing game called “here comes the crocodile” the children love this one and it is another game they are able to set up and play themselves. We also practiced some balancing skills by transferring bean bags across the grass in different ways (heads, feet, backs, tummies etc.). Lastly we practiced some cricket skills where everyone had a turn at being a batter and a fielder.
After our yummy fried rice lunch we had some quiet activities such as reading, construction activities and home corner time. During these times the teachers get more one-on-one time with the children to talk with them and develop verbal language skills and find out about their interests. The children are beginning to respect the classroom resources very well and tidy things up when they are finished. We have high expectations for them but it helps challenge them to be well rounded and responsible individuals.
In the afternoon we will hopefully do some more music and head outside for some more active games. Thanks for you a wonderful day today and see you again soon.
Mr Andrew and Miss Jess