Welcome to Tuesday everyone. What a busy and engaged morning we have had in the Kindergarten today.
This morning after our morning exploring outside of bikes, sandpit play, sliding down the slide and drawing we came inside for our delicious morning tea. The children are showing such confidence at serving up their own morning tea and being aware of the portions they are taking, making sure their is enough left for their peers. Well done friends.
At group time this morning the children did such a great job at singing our good morning songs without using the music. I love how much the children love singing these cultural songs. To further implement culture into our room each morning we are going to start saying our acknowledgement of country. After our songs we played a group game together of what’s missing using the rhyming words that we had been learning last week. This provided the children to further consolidate their learning of the rhyming words, using their memory recall skills, taking turns and demonstrate patience. This afternoon during quiet activity time the children will have the opportunity to explore this game in pairs. After we had finished our game we read our story about the big blue whale, then transitioning into our morning activities.
As the children have been showing an interest in expressing themselves creatively and imaginatively through art, today we continued to explore creating art using straws. Today the children had the opportunity to create bubble blowing prints, as they blew through their straw in one of the coloured cups to create bubbles, then placing a piece of paper on top of the bubbles to create their print. Just as I thought the children loved the fun aspect of being able to blow lots of bubbles. This afternoon we will brainstorm together what they would like to create their art with tomorrow.
Once again the children had the opportunity to revisit the name garden activity from yesterday. This involved the children writing independently or with varying support their name on a flower box, then writing the individual letters on flowers, cutting them out and planting them in their flower box. As the children worked at this activity we talked about the different letters that make up their name, worked on our scissor skills and our pincer grip.
At the play dough table today we included some sea creatures for the children to incorporate into their creations, a long with the children having the opportunity to freely use their imagination and creativity. Phoenix this morning decided that he wanted to do some drawing this morning. It was great to see him having the confidence to set up a drawing table for him and his peers to let their creativity come alive.
The children were all very excited as Miss Gabi was back to do yoga with us. The children did so well following along with the yoga poses and listening to Miss Gabi’s instructions.
Before we had lunch we had our reflection of our morning about what we had enjoyed doing today. It was great to hear everyone joining into share what their favourite aspects of the morning were.Layla- ” I enjoyed going on the slide and playing with baby and reading some books.” Astrid- “I liked doing bubble painting and playing with Phoenix.” Phoenix “I had fun doing drawing my weather storm picture.” Hamilton ” Doing the bubble pictures and playing in home corner.” Harper “Bubble painting, drawing.” Elliott ” I liked playing on the slide, going on the monkey bars and I liked doing bubble painting.” Graysen ” Playing with Levii and Austin and Elliott.” Austin “Play game and drawings.” Levii “Singing the Tena koe song and singing the hello to the children song.” Jacob “Playing with the play dough doing the bubble painting.” Ariah “Playing inside and building sandcastle.”
Have a lovely afternoon everyone
Miss Emma and Miss Nikki