Welcome to Tuesday everyone, and what a wonderful day we have been having in the Kindergarten today. This morning we had fun engaging in a variety of play experiences outside. A favourite spot this morning was the monkey bars, the children are so proud of the progress they have been making on these, well done everyone. We then moved inside ready to enjoy our yummy morning tea, then joining together on our group mat. This morning after our usual routine we revisited our discussion from last week where we talked about different types of foods, identifying them as healthy choices and sometimes foods. The children have really grasped the concept of distinguishing between the two types of foods. On completion of group time our friend Astrid transitioned the children from the mat into their morning activities.
This morning on offer the children had the opportunity to put into practice their food choice knowledge. As they created plates of either sometimes foods, or healthy choices. Some children decided to combine the two of these together which I think was a great idea. This was a great opportunity for children to further consolidate their learning, use their decision making skills along with practicing their scissor skills.
As the children have been showing an interest in numbers and letters recently. Today I have set up an individual activity area, where the children have the opportunity to choose from a variety of activities that they would like to explore and engage with independently. As this concept is new the children had the opportunity to choose from four activities which included colour sorting, can you guess the missing number?, frogs on a log (exploring literacy, and Number fun. Each week I will add a new experience to the basket for the children to explore. This was a great opportunity for the children to not only explore literacy and numeracy, but they had the opportunity to use their decision making skills, work independently, problem solve, persevere with challenges and focus on a task for a period of time.
We had lots of wonderful child initiated play occurring throughout the morning which included lego construction, the children had fun creating a variety of creations, exploring and experimenting with our new sliding connecting blocks,home corner play, reading stories and creating marble runs. As the children were busy building their marble runs, I loved seeing them problem solve as they worked out how they could construct it to enable the marbles to move through it, the discussions and ideas that went back and forth and the team work that was occurring.
Along with our morning play we have been busy organising and practicing for our graduation next month.
What did we enjoy today?
Hamilton “I liked writing my name and packing away.” Elliott “I liked doing the cutting doing a sometimes food plate.” Hayley “Doing sometimes food and packing up in home corner.” Ariah “I liked playing on the mountain.” Layla ” I liked playing on the mountain and doing my name and I liked doing the healthy choices.” Astrid ” I liked doing healthy food and sometimes food and I liked playing in home corner and the lego.”
What we would like to do during quiet activity time?
Hayley ” The basket games.” Levii “Play with the sliding blocks.” Wynter ” Play with Lego.”
We hope you have a wonderful afternoon.
Miss Emma and Miss Steph