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Hello Families and welcome to Tuesday

Today we have explored some Aboriginal craft with the children completing a craft activity that represented cave painting. This activity has helped the children to acknowledge the traditional owners of the land. We have also been looking at some indigenous books, these include Welcome to country.

some of the children happily explored the magnetics board as we decided what was a metal and what wasn’t. Hamilton and Wynter have enjoyed playing with the garage today and looking for “the big fat pig in the gagrage”, something tells me that this has to do with a party on the weekend.

Today we have also looked at how the Earth moves around the sun and in turn the moon around the planet creating day and night. We have also discussed that it takes a year for Earth to complete a full circle around the sun. The children enjoyed learning of this especially when  Jaxon played the sun and Matthew the moon. We have also explored our encyclopedia all about space, Jaxon was lucky enough to be the first to look in this great book.

The children have relaxed their bodies during their weekly Yoga session. The have been learning new positions in Yoga and love playing with the bubbles.

Have a great evening


Miss Sharon and he little Cherubs.