07 5529 8744 [email protected]

Hello and welcome to Wednesday 🙂

We started our day as usual exploring and engaging in a variety of play experiences. This included drawing, swinging on the swing, riding the bikes, exploring in the sandpit and having races. We then moved into the classroom to enjoy our yummy morning tea of fruit and cake. The children did such a great job of serving their food, being mindful of others not to take to much and our friends Hayley and Layla did a wonderful job setting the table for morning tea.

At group time this morning the children sung so beautifully as they sung their good morning songs without the music. With our acknowledgement of country it is great to see the children showing confidence in joining in with me using their memory recall. Our friend Hayley was eager to show us her show and tell, which was a picture of a map that she had drawn at home along with some great writing of her alphabet. Hamilton was also very excited to share his show and tell which was telling us about going to watch the Gold Coast 600 in the weekend with his Dad and Grandpa.

This morning was a very art and craft morning in the Kindergarten where the children worked to create some Halloween decorations. One of these was creating ghosts using paper cups and crepe paper. This was a great opportunity for the children to use their imagination, express their creativity, use their problem solving skills, persevere with challenges and further strengthen their scissor skills. It was great to see the children so proud of what they had created, and the individual creations they had made.

The children had the opportunity to make some felt decorations. These proved very popular with the children. They had the opportunity to create a skeleton face, pumpkins and bats. Once again the children had the opportunity to be creative, imaginative, use their fine motor skills as they peeled the stickers off, and a sense of agency through decision making. These are going to look great in our classroom.


We also had some pumpkin decorating happening, revisiting the experience from yesterday. Tomorrow we will be continuing creating our crafts and Halloween decorations making bats, and jack o lantern’s if the children wish. The children throughout all of the artistic experiences today showed such focus and concentration seeing their art through to completion.

This afternoon the children have chosen during activity time have requested to have drawing and writing, blocks, puzzles and books to explore.

Don’t forget we have our wonderful Halloween party on Thursday night from 5-7.30pm, we would love to see you all there.

Graduation 22nd November. Please don’t forget to get your RSVP’S in by Monday, as we need to know numbers for seating and catering.

Have a lovely afternoon

Miss Emma and Miss Steph