Our Story…

Today we had Miss Gabi and Miss Madie in the room while Miss Emma is away on holidays. The children began their Tuesday with a big morning play enjoying this beautiful summer weather. Miss TJ set up the yard with a drawing easel which Hayley, Wynter and Layla enjoyed using, an animal area with blocks was set up and of course the bikes were enjoyed by Matthew, Elliot, Jacob and Graysen.

At 9:30, Miss Gabi asked the children to wash their hands for morning tea and to find a spot at the table to enjoy their delicious cake and fruit. Morning tea was done, the children sat on the mat for morning group time with Miss Gabi. Miss Gabi asked the children what they would like to do today, which the children asked for Christmas painting and other activities including dominoes, drawing, home corner/dress ups and blocks. Miss Madie organised the Christmas painting/craft which the children got a choice of making snowflakes and Christmas tree’s using paddle-pop sticks or make a Christmas bauble. Harper, Ariah, Astrid, Layla, Wynter, Liam and Jacob made a special Christmas art piece!

For the rest of activity time, the children enjoyed exploring various activities that they chose: these activities included:

  • domino table- Wynter, Austin and Matthew were playing with the dominoes and were making patterns with the colours.
  • Wooden blocks- Hamilton and Phoenix were playing with the blocks and made a marble run.
  • Home corner and dress ups- Miss Gabi joined the children in dressing up today and they had so much fun! Elliot, Liam, Astrid, Matthew and Bobby dressed up with Miss Gabi and had a fashion show around the room. Harper, Hayley, Ariah, Jacob and Liam also joined in and had a play in home corner, cooking up a storm!
  • Puzzle table- Bobby, Jaxon, Phoenix and Hamilton were interested in the puzzle table today and chose the hardest puzzle to work on together!
  • Drawing table- Graysen, Harper, Elliot, Hayley, Jaxon, Austin and Astrid were interested in drawing some beautiful pictures for each other. Hayley and Elliot were drawing each other!

Happy Tuesday!