Happy Wednesday everyone.
What a wonderful day we have had in the kindergarten room engaging in a variety of activities. After our delicious morning tea we joined together on the group mat for our roll call, acknowledgement of country and our good morning songs. A few of our friends had some show and tell or news they wanted to share with their peers. Elliott brought in some catalogues which he showed us a set of golf clubs he had brought. Hayley showed shared with us a special book from home and a card that her Mummy gave her. Emily brought in something very special of her Mums to show us, she enjoyed showing us how to use it. Now we were ready to engage in a variety of experiences.
Today we continued to explore colour mixing this time using the primary colours in paint. To make it a little more fun I had created paint palettes just like an artist has. The children were then encouraged to choose colours to mix together, think about what colour they would make, then test out their theory. The children seemed to really enjoy this experience and loved sharing the excitement of the colours they had created. I wonder what colour mixing activity we will explore tomorrow.
As it is Melbourne cup today, the children had the opportunity to create their very own horse mask, which we will use this afternoon outside to have some horse races. As the children created their horse masks it was great to hear the conversations that were occurring throughout.
We had some busy builders this morning experimenting with some of our new manipulative shapes. As the children engaged in this experience it was a great opportunity for them to persevere with challenges and use their problem solving skills as they worked out how to connect the blocks together. Wynter commented that she made a Pac Man for Matthew and she made lots of houses and tents. Hayley made a train. Hamilton was also making a train and Wolfy a plane. The children seemed to enjoy exploring these materials spending the majority of their morning activity time creating here.
On the group mat Layla and Emily were engaging in role play, where they were playing teachers. Braxton and Ariah had some wonderful collaborative and cooperative play occurring in home corner as they played shops.
What did you enjoy today?
Hayley- “Finding bones with Graysen in the sandpit. Play down the slide.” Ariah “I liked the colour mixing and I liked playing in home corner.” Hamilton ” I liked making a horse and making a train and a house.” Layla ” I liked playing teachers and finding bones with Graysen, Emily and Eva.” Elliott “I liked making a horsie and I liked reading some books.” Austin ” play in sandpit with Elliott.” Graysen “I like playing with find the bone, and making a horsie.” Wolfy ” Me having the Spiderman mask on me.”
Reminder we are still needing some families RSVP for graduation if you could do this ASAP that would be great thank you.
Have a lovely afternoon
Miss Emma and Miss Steph