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Welcome back to to Riversdale after the longer Easter break. We hope everyone kept safe and had lots of exciting fun and adventures. The children were excited to share the news about the Easter bunny visiting their houses! The children combined with Kindy 2 in the morning and soon after moved back to our room where they played with lots of different activities from the shelves including lego, coloured building blocks, the home corner and of course lots of colouring activities.

After our morning group time where we ate some delicious morning tea and quickly settled into our different activities for the day. Arlo, Tanner, Harry and Noah asked to do the “Mama mia pizza song” and were engaged for a while doing lots of different tapping stick songs.

Everybody had a turn doing two different activities today. The first one was a colouring activity where the children had to describe their Easter holiday and then draw it on the paper using crayons. It was great being able to discuss the holidays first because then the children had a focus for their drawings and you could see some of those small details coming through.

The other activity was an alphabet phonic activity where the children had to spell their names using the pictures from our “ants on the apple” alphabet song e.g. Noah = nuts, octopus, apple, helicopter. The children had an absolute blast figuring out all the pictures and lining them up to make their names. It was great letter recognition for some and phonic recognition for others. Well done Kindy class for giving everything a go and always doing your best!

Later in the morning we split into two groups and had turns playing indoors and then playing games out in the tree house where we practiced pretending to act like different animals and everyone had to guess what we were. We also tested our balance in different ways by running, skipping jumping, hopping while trying to get away from the crocodile.

In the afternoon we plan to explore our learning journals and cut and glue some of the activities we have done during the year into our books and revisit what we’ve done. This is always an awesome experience for the children who love going back through their books and revisiting the memories.

Thanks for joining us today.

Mr Andrew and Miss Tatyana are excited to be back with the children and watching them learn and grow. Have a wonderful afternoon.