Happy Tuesday everyone, we hope you all had a wonderful long weekend with your families.

This morning after we had our morning play outside we came in to refuel our bodies with some delicious morning tea, then moving to the mat for group time. After singing our usual songs the children were eager to share their news from the weekend. Today we had our friends Harper, Elliott, Matthew and Graysen share what they had got up too. Harper had gone away to Hervey Bay with her family to see her Auntie Kylie, they look they had lots of fun swimming, spending time with family and Harper said she really enjoyed her chocolate milkshake. Elliott, went to the beach where they made sand castles. Matthew brought in Pac man and red ghost puppets that he had made at home with his Mum. Graysen, went to his Grandpa’s house where he sounded like he had a wonderful time. Thank you for sharing your special stories with us. This afternoon some more friends will have the opportunity to share some of their stories from the weekend. I love how confident the children have become to sit in front of the group to share their special stories. After hearing all the wonderful adventures from the weekend we talked about the experiences that were on offer and Layla transitioned the children from the mat by clapping the children’s names, with them repeating it back to her.

This morning the children had the opportunity to explore play dough which they have really been enjoying lately. As there has been lots of baking in the sandpit and in home corner, I thought we could incorporate this into our play dough play today. For inspiration today I had provided the children with a variety of items they could use to make cupcakes. Has the children explored the play dough they made a variety of different cupcakes, Layla began selling her cupcakes in the room too although they were very expensive at $1400 each. Along with all our delicious cupcakes Wynter and Ariah made Jelly fish and snakes, Jacob made the sun, Graysen made a taco and a choo choo train. what creative and imaginative learners.

Some of you may remember who were here about three months ago we did self portrait drawing. Today we revisited this experience, this will help us see the progression of the childrens drawing over the past three months. I am really looking forward to see the progression of these drawings. As the children drew we looked in the mirror and talked about our features such as our eye colour, our hair colour, and naming the various other features we might like to draw. The children also had the opportunity if they wished to write their name and how old they were. I loved how all the children all were willing to give writing their name a go. We also worked on our pincer grip making sure we were holding our pencils correctly.

As expressing our imagination and creativity is an area of interest for the children. We had the painting easel set up for the children to freely use their imagination and creativity. Layla had also asked if we could do some craft today. At one of the tables the children had the opportunity to create using their imagination and creativity using a variety of different materals. Here I loved seeing the children use their decision making skills, as they decided what they were going to create.

Child initiated play that occurred during the morning included block construction, dominoes, Liam and Matthew had a wonderful time exploring the musical instruments and home corner play. The children also engaged in a game of jenga with Miss Steph.

This morning we were going to have some obstacle races, but it was a little to hot for us to go outside, hopefully this afternoon it cools down a little so we can go out and do the races as the children have been looking forward to doing them.

After our morning activities we joined together on the group mat where the children had the opportunity to reflect on the morning particularly what they enjoyed. Play dough, craft and drawing were among the popular replies from the children. When asking what they would like to explore tomorrow the children commented making more play dough cupcakes, painting with something different not brushes and craft. Liam, Layla and Harper are going to be my helpers this afternoon to set up the experiences for them and their peers to engage in tomorrow.

Have a lovely afternoon

Miss Emma and Miss Steph