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Today we welcomed Hendrix, Harper, Rosie, Macy, Luna, Owen, Taran, Ella and Emerson back to kindy two. We got up to lots of fun today with the children following their interests and being supported through learning through play.

After morning tea was devoured, the children self-selected activities that they were interested in. Luna, Ella and Rosie selected the water colour paints and asked Miss Shannan to show them how it worked. After a quick demonstration, the girls eagerly set to painting many coloured pictures. Owen and Harper were also drawn to painting, though they went and brought the paint pots over to the table, enjoying the contrast as they switched between the normal paints and the watercolour paints.

Taran also was allured by the craft area today. Selecting the craft and collage containers from the art shelves, along with glue and scissors, she quickly got to work cutting and gluing away. Macy soon joined her at the table, they chatted away as they discussed what they were making and how they were going to do it.

Hendrix and Emerson went and selected the chicken drop game from the shelves. They took it over to the mat where they carefully built the tower by stacking all the loose pieces. After excitedly shouting for Miss Shannan to see their completed structure, the quickly began their game, taking turns as they selected a piece to push out from the tower.

We decided to go for a play in the side yard today. The children walked together like power rangers to safely make their way through the building and out to the other yard. They did very well to stick together and listen carefully to the instructions given. Out in the yard the children raced each other up and down the slides and played many games of chase and hide and seek.

When we returned back to the room, the children requested to play with the clay. They sat out together on the veranda and had all of the little creature and body parts and made many creatures. “I made a really strong man with muscles. I made you Miss Shannan. I made a man with googly eyes”.

This afternoon the children all dug through the costume bags, searching for the loose pieces of fabric. They then brough them over to Miss Shannan to help them tie them up so that they could be ninjas. The room was filled with laughter as the children jumped and skipped around the room, participating in their dramatic and imaginative play.

Thank you everyone for a wonderful day,

Miss Shannan😊