Welcome to our exciting and busy day in the Kindergarten Two room!
During this morning’s group time we discussed the emotion body buddies again. We discussed what different emotions looked and felt like and spoke about how we were all feeling this morning. The children all went over and pointed to the buddy that they felt like and explained why they felt that way.
Emerson and Armin enjoyed the game of chicken drop together. They sat together at the table, taking turns to push one of the posts out from under the chicken, careful not to be the one to make him fall to the ground. They used lots of encouragement towards each other, it was lovely to hear.
Hendrix was busy all morning at the craft station. He first began by cutting the top off of a large box. He then decided to use sticky tape to reattach the top in a different way. He then added a door to reach in through, and for Tigger to enter through and decorated the top with collage pieces and paint. Once dried, he proudly showed it to his peers and explained that he was going to continue it at home and bring it back and show everyone again.
Out on the veranda, Ivy, Harper, Bonnie, Rosie and Taran had brought out the watercolour paints and set up their own space. They all worked alongside each other, engaging in lots of conversations and explaining what they were each going to paint and how.
Rosie, Hendrix and Harper were talking about different numbers and were showing them on their fingers. Hendrix told them “I know that 2+2=4” and they all began to ask Miss Shannan simple equations such as Harper – “What is 2+3?” and Rosie – “and what about 3+5?”. Miss Shannan demonstrated that they could use their fingers to count small numbers. She held out the fingers of the numbers asked, “I’m holding up 2 on this hand and 3 on this one, can you count them?”. The children took turns counting out the equations on Miss Shannan’s hands. Hendrix – “I can do that, like this?” holding out 2 and 4, Miss Shannan assisting him in counting straight on from one hand to the other. Bonnie and Taran soon came over to join in, asking to add lots of numbers and taking turns to count them with Miss Shannan. Harper than asked a super long equation – “What about 2+3+5+2?’. Miss Shannan went through the numbers with her, holding the first two numbers up herself and then helping Harper hold up the second two numbers, working together to count through all of the numbers. The children were all very proud of their accomplishments, looking down at their own fingers as they flipped them up and down to represent different numbers.
Luna and Macy transformed into a mummy and her kitten. Home corner became their kitchen, in which they cooked lots of tasty meals. Happy kitten Luna could be heard meowing away to her human mummy Macy’s cooking. They even went on shopping adventure to find decorations for kittens’ room and for ingredients for their dinners.
Miss Hayley ran a relaxation yoga session with the children today. They all laid down on their backs while Miss Hayley laid a soft scarf over them. They then laid very still while she blew bubbles over them, and they felt them land on them. They then played a game with the parachute, tossing the scarfs up into the air and watching as they gently fell back down again. They ended with their calming, respectful mantra, before saying a friendly goodbye to Miss Hayley and moving on to a new activity.
After our rest time we played a game of doggy doggy. The children all sat patiently for their turn, placing their hands behind their backs to trick their friends. They were all fabulous sports, giggling and clapping each time their friends guessed correctly, and called lots of “nearly” when they didn’t find the bone in their three guesses.
We then quickly raced to apply our sunscreen and find our hats for a super-fast game of duck, duck goose before the rain came down. The children all made comments about the sky “The clouds are coming. They are dark too” – Hendrix, and “I can feel it, it’s getting me” – Armin. When the rain started to become more than a sprinkle, everyone became gooses, and the children quickly laughed and squealed as they chased each other about before running undercover for afternoon tea.
Thank you everyone for a wonderful day!
Miss Shannan 😊
So sorry, the photos are not loading to the website again.