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Out in the big yard this morning there was lots of cooking and creating occurring. In the sandpit there were yummy cakes and cupcakes being cooked and over in the garden area, there were potions and soups being created.

Inside Hendrix and Owen went on a dinosaur adventure, exploring the different environments of the room before creating their own.

Miss Nad’s brought in some large wallpaper design books for the children to be creative with. Luna, Rosie and Macy quickly got to work, each picking out a design from the book, and then cutting out the different pictures within it and gluing them onto their pictures.

Out on the veranda, Taran and Ivy enjoyed constructing with the balancing blocks. They took their time to carefully balance the short, long and curved beams onto the rolling pieces.

Emerson had lots of fun at his tennis lesson today. He played lots of different games and even had a go at juggling. Ella was very intrigued in watching the lesson, pulling up a chair to watch. Some of her friends soon joined her and they sat discussing what was happening.

Inside the children were busy making ice-creams with the peg board pegs. First taking flavour orders from their peers and Miss Shannan before carefully scooping up the delicious ice-cream and serving them out.

Harper requested outdoor drawing today and so that is exactly what we did. Miss Shannan brought the table outside into the shade and the children sourced the pencils and coloured paper from inside the room. Harper decided to also bring out the clipboards and go on an ‘investigation’ around the yard to see what she could draw.

Before we transitioned to lunch, we practiced our letter sounds. Miss Shannan made the sound, for example /p/ and the children said what letter it was and then worked together to figure out whose name started with each letter.

Thank you for a lovely day, see you again tomorrow!

Miss Shannan 😊