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Welcome to our Thursday in the Kindergarten Two room!

Outside this morning, Riley was busy drawing on the veranda. He drew people with purple hats. Ivy, Ella and Taran soon came over to investigate what Riley was drawing “That’s really good”, “I’m going to draw one too”.

Harper was busy in the sandpit this morning, trying her best to dig all the way to bottom, “It’s getting really deep now!”.

Christopher and Hendrix were busy racing around on the bikes, around and through the big hill “Watch out! We are coming through!”

Macy, Bonnie, and Owen spent some time setting up their own little world out of the various dolls houses and car stations. They lined them all up around the big dolls house and carefully gave all the people a safe, cosy place to live.

Emerson suggested we make more cubby houses today. He asked Miss Shannan for help and together they built a massive cubby house. The rest of the group soon came over to help, offering their sheets to help construct the roof and “Keep their rooms dark”.

Ryan asked if we could make playdough today and he eagerly waited at the prep room door as Miss Shannan collected the ingredients. The children developed their fine motor and creativity skills as they moulded the playdough into different characters and objects.

Out on the veranda the children excitedly sat down the complete the counting game with Miss Shannan. They took turns to flick the spinner, identify the number that it landed on and then jump their frog across that many lily pads, racing to reach the end of the water. This activity was an extension and practice for the children’s counting skills and written number identification.

Thank you for a wonderful day, see you soon!

Miss Shannan😊