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Today we celebrated Macy’s 4th birthday, along with Rosie’s 4th birthday from yesterday. On request from the girls, we had a dance party. We danced along to Elsa and Anna, Moana, and Ariel, along with lots and lots of singing, even a beautiful rendition of ‘twinkle twinkle’ that the group all sang together. Macy also brought some lovely cupcakes and fruit to share with her friends for afternoon tea. The children were all very excited to celebrate both Macy and Rosie’s birthdays, singing them happy birthday and thanking Macy for the cupcakes.

This morning we had our second Mandarin lesson with Miss Jess. We learnt to count from one to ten in Mandarin, Ivy was excited to repeat the new words back to Miss Jess.

Inside Hendrix set up a market stall on the queen chair, calling out ‘come and get it’. Miss Shannan went over to see what he was selling, and he offered her ‘hot pizza’, mmm yummy! Taran made a house in quiet corner. With a functioning door, she offered Miss Shannan and Rosie to come in and sit on the cushions with her, she brought in lots of puzzles to complete in her little house.

Up at the tables Rosie and Zachary were busy completing the new number puzzles, counting the pictures on the cards before matching them with their corresponding number puzzle piece. Emerson liked the under the sea puzzle, moving the pieces around on the board until he found their perfect fit. Beside them Ella enjoyed some time drawing lots of pictures, one of which she drew her daddy. She spent quite some time on this one, making sure she had his hair perfect. Harper and Millie were our little chefs in home corner. Cooking up various meals for their customers, ‘mmm’ said Taran.

Outside Macy and Luna practised their throwing skills. Taking turns throwing the basketballs up into the hoop. Luna practiced throwing it straight up into the hoop, whereas Macy tried some backwards trick shots.

Thank you everyone for a fabulous day!

Miss Shannan 😊