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Happy Friday everyone! Even with the miserable weather outside, we had a fabulous inside day in the Kindergarten Two room.

We completed our counting to 100 gross motor activity again this morning. The children are becoming quite the little participants in this activity, eagerly making a circle, before counting through the moves together. As our transition to wash our hands today, Miss Shannan typed the first letter of a name, which the children identified, before finishing the name and the children deciphering whose name it was. The children were all very involved in this activity, taking time to not only identify the letter, but match it with something that they knew, ‘B for Bonnie or A for Apple’.

Today we were very lucky to receive a visit from some very large, loud guests. Just before morning tea, we raced out and sat together with the rest of the senior building on a few large mats. The children eagerly watched and waited as three Utes drove into the carpark carrying three very large animal friends. The children watched in enjoyment as a cockatoo, koala and kookaburra made their way into the driveway. “WOW!” “They are so big!” “He’s loud!”. After discussing a couple of safety rules, we held hands and walked over to explore the animals up close. The children excitedly posed for a couple photos up close with the animals, before feeling and considering what the animals were and how they were made.

Upon returning to the classroom after today’s show, the children waved the animals farewell before eagerly begging to talk about what they saw. Ivy, Bonnie and Christopher loved looking at everything. Riley’s favourite was the koala. Owen thought that the trucks that carried the animals were pretty cute. Harper pointed out that the Koala was made from grass. Ryan spotted that they were made from bamboo and that maybe we could make a little one. Millie explained that the koala’s belly looked soft and fluffy. Ryan requested to create paintings of what he saw. Hendrix joined in, painting his animals under a sunset and Owen made the footprints of an emu. After much discussion of what the animals were made of, such as grass, leaves, sticks and bamboo, the children decided that next week they would like to attempt to make their own miniature animals from objects sourced from the gardens and from recycled objects. I can’t wait to see what they create!

Unfortunately, due to the weather, we spent the day indoors. Though the children still had a wonderful day, laughing and playing together as a group. For craft today the children selected various recycled items along with decorations to spruce up and construct various creations. Hendrix constructed multiple items to take home for Tigger and Ryan made a Rocketship.

Bonnie was busy with the playdough, first making boomerangs with the dough, before rolling the dough around her finger to make rings. Harper sand Millicent soon joined her, they worked together to make the playdough ‘extra squishy’.

Baugull wanyi (thank you) and Nya-nyah-bu (see you again)

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Shannan😊