Following on from an interest expressed by Hendrix on Monday to make volcanos and explosions, we experimented with various ingredients. Miss Shannan placed three trays filled with bowls of bicarb soda and vinegar, along with pipettes, spray and squeeze bottles. The children investigated cause and effect, reactions and interactions between substances. They were all very excited to explore the activity, reaching in to conduct their own testing through play. Miss Shannan asked lots of questions to engage the children’s thinking. What is happening? Hendrix – It’s bubbling! What can you see? Harper – It’s moving. Tate – It’s growing. Can you hear anything? Ryan – Schhhsshhh. What does it feel like? The children were very patient throughout this activity, taking turns to pass the equipment around as to ensure everyone had a turn. Lots of gasps and “look at this!” could be heard as the children mixed the two substances together. Riley and Emerson enjoyed a game of Alphabet Bingo together. Together they took turns to pull a letter from the tray and find its match upon their boards Riley – “There’s an R like my name”. Emerson – “Look how many matches I have now”. Bonnie and Ella enjoyed exploring the magazine collaging activity. They sat side by side as they cut and glued out pictures from the magazines. Bonnie – Look at this one Miss Shannan. Ella – Look, I glued it down on my paper. Macy decided she was going to play hairdressers today. Standing behind Miss Shannan began running her fingers through her hair. Macy – I’m going to make your hair pretty braids”. Macy twisted and twirled the hair, looping her fingers around and around. Out in the sandpit, Owen was busy making a “booby tray”. He dug deep down into the sandpit, soon half of his body was in the whole he was digging, using his arms to shovel out the sand. I’m going to make this a trap for the bad wizards, they will fall in here and get stuck. Thank you everyone for another wonderful day. Miss Shannan 😊 |