Hello families and friends
Today in group time we spoke about friendships because today Harper was very excited about getting an invitation to a birthday. As an extension of this interest everybody listened to Miss Denise tell the children the story of Benji’s New Friends.
Then for activity time seeing as it is science week Miss Denise set out a science experiment for all the children to do. This involved all receiving a piece of string and having a discussion about salt. She asked questions about what and where do you use salt for? Some of the answers were the ocean and for cooking. Then it was time for the experiment which involved placing the string in the salt and waiting for the crystals to form….we will wait and see tomorrow.
For physical outdoor play the children choice to play duck duck goose and wats the time Mr. wolf. How time flies when your having fun? Time for lunch and what do you know our day for the most part was done. We hope you enjoyed your day as much as we did.