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Hello families, we hope you have had as wonderful a day as we did in Kindergarten Two!

Following on with our dinosaur discoveries this week, we decided to paint our own dinosaur interpretations. Miss Shannan set up the tables with various paint colours and dinosaurs and the children took time to examine them before designing their own dinosaurs. They could be observed taking great consideration when selecting the colours that they wished to use, first picking up the dinosaurs from the table and inspecting them, spinning them and bringing them up close before dipping their brushes into the paints. We also practised some dinosaur printing with play-dough, stomping the dinosaur’s feet and tails down into the dough. This brought forth many comments from the children, such as ‘Stomp! Stomp! Stomp!’, ‘Look there’s his footprints!’, and ‘Look that the dinosaur’s tail in the play-dough!’.

After a conversation this morning regarding butterflies, the children asked to make their own. So, using some old egg cartons, the children got to work using paints to colour in the cartoons to their own tastes, some very displayed various bright colours and others made a statement with one chosen colour. The children are very excited for them to dry so that we can hang them up to display in our room.

Before lunch we had a quick run around outside. The bikes were undoubtably the favourite with the children practicing their turn taking skills as the patiently waited for their friends to have a turn before jumping on themselves. They also enjoyed assisting each other, by pushing one another on laps around the yard.

We truly have had a lovely day today, filled with lots of laughter and excitement, we cannot wait to see what tomorrow brings.

Have a great afternoon and evening everyone!

Miss Shannan☺️