Good Afternoon friends and family of Kindy Two,

Welcome to Tuesday’s Blog. What a wonderful fun day its been. Unfortunately Miss Shannan is still away sick, and Miss Jess had come over to join us with today. Thank you to all our friends in the room showing Miss Jess the routine and explaining things to her… there are many helpers in Kindy two. To start off our day we enjoyed spending some time in Pre-Kindy room before moving into the small yard and exploring the obstacle course, puzzles, and the game of soccer. After spending some time in the yard we had seen some dark clouds in the sky and all of a sudden it started rains, so we walked over to Kindy One and enjoyed some free time inside the room. Whilst in Kindy One room we enjoyed using clay, building a train track, using the marble run and completing ABC puzzles. Many children enjoyed exploring a new room. Before we knew it, it had been time to head back to our room for our Jellybean science experiment incursion.

Miss Jellybean professor had show us many cool things which we cannot wait to show and tell you. We got to dress in a white lab coat and we needed to wear our special safety glasses, which protects us from anything going into our eyes. We had then sat down at the tables, ready for Miss Jellybean professor to explain all the cool science experiments. We firstly had made some soft snow, which were different colour’s such as purple, orange, yellow and green. We loved touching and feeling the texture as it wasn’t something many of us had felt before. Afterwards we had then enjoyed making some swishy worms using different colour’s. This was so much fun! We cannot wait to show you our swishy worms when we get home. The last thing we had made was volcano using small jars with vinegar, oil and food colouring. we had been given a small cup full off activator and bi-carb soda to add to the small jar… boom we had made a volcano. We enjoyed watching all the small volcanoes erupt in different colour’s and at different time based on when we poured the bi-carb soda in. Miss Jellybean had given us each a bag for us to place our worms in and a round rainbow peephole for the children to look into.

Afterwards we had thanked Miss Jellybean and moved onto make our books which is a extension activity we completed yesterday.  Many of the children have enjoyed making their own book and we will continue to complete these throughout the afternoon of pick up. During quiet time we had enjoyed small groups of construction as we used the magnets, shapes and disk connecters. We also enjoyed completing some puzzles and looking into each others stories of their characters.

Miss Jess would like to let parent know children will have a brown bag which holds their swishy worms they made and the rainbow peephole. We hope Miss Shannan is back tomorrow as we miss her very much and can’t wait to show and tell her about our day’s with Miss Jess.

Much Love Miss Jess  xoxo

