Our day today..!

It was been a super exciting day in the Kindergarten room the anticipation in the lead up to Christmas has been nothing short of electric!

We started our day playing outside with all our Kindergarten friends riding bikes, playing tag, drawing,  making sandcastles, watering the garden and playing on the swings.

Moving indoors for some light refreshing morning tea and our daily “Show & Tell” group time. We have been doing special Christmas activities every day in the lead up to Christmas. Today we made and decorated yummy shortbread homes and ginger bread men cookies!

Coming up to Lunchtime we packed everything away and prepared for our favorite constructed and deconstructed SUSHI DAY!

After lunch we settled in for some quite relaxations time. Reading books and participating in quite activities while some of our friends had a nap. As the afternoon progressed we were given lots of activities to do including a puzzles table, building blocks, making pictures using a range of different coloured rocks, making faces with paper plates and of course no day is ever complete in the Kindergarten room with out story-time and playing dress-ups!

With our day nearly through we had some afternoon tea and get re engaged with more super fun activities.

It has been an energetic day full of fun, excitement and Christmas cheer!