07 5529 8744 [email protected]

Good afternoon Kindergarten families. This morning we had a few superheroes out in the playground, making sure all our friends were having fun, also a few of our friends chose to take turns riding the bikes. We will continue our outdoor adventures this afternoon. Upon going indoors to start our day, we all sat on the mat  to do the weather chart with Miss Jade, after which we practised our songs – Days of the week and our graduation song. Miss Jade also did the mashed potato with us. Then it was time for our Art Therapy Class with Miss Vee. Firstly she read a beautiful story book called “Lifetimes” that helps us to remember and explains that all life is a beginning and end. Then we created beautiful collages from leaves and various pieces of coloured paper to represent the cycle of life, and emotions. Our other activities were – soccer class, drawing and cutting out shapes, scissors skills with the playdough, jigsaw construction, large dominos and the Octonaut play set. See you all tomorrow. Have a lovely evening.

Love from Miss Lyn & Miss Jade. 😊❤️😊