Hello and welcome to wonderful Wednesday.

This morning outside in the yard the children had a wonderful time engaging in play in the variety of experiences Miss TJ had set up for us. This included easel painting, am alternating level obstacle course, sandpit play, reading and drawing. At group time this morning a discussion erupted about Halloween, with the children commenting about what they were going to dress up as tomorrow and commenting about coming to the party. I can’t wait to see all of their costumes.

With Halloween being an area of interest at the moment, we had a variety of themed experiences. This included spider racing which was very popular with the children. This involved the children taking turns to race each other by blowing their spider with a straw. This proved to be a little challenging, requiring the children to use their problem solving skills, exploring working theories, and persevering with challenges as they worked out how to make their spider move. The children had so much fun they have requested to play this again tomorrow.

We had a bat sensory tray, where the children used both their fine motor skills through using the tongs to pick up the bats, then using their colour recognition skills to place the bats in the corresponding cup.

The children had the opportunity to begin to make pumpkins using paper plates as their base and sticking orange crepe paper on. This will be an experience that will take a little bit of time to complete over the next two days.

At group time this morning we discussed what other experiences the children would like to have on the tables. Drawing was a popular option as always, with our friend Elliott suggesting we do Halloween pictures. As a group we talked about what colours we needed to create these pictures. Liam suggested black, orange and green. The two children did a great job of organising the colouring materials for their peers. During the morning the children created both Halloween and freedom of expression pictures.

Other child initiated play that occurred this morning included manipulative block play, Lego construction, home corner play and puppet play.

What did we enjoy today?

Hamilton “Playing with the spider race, the one where we blow it. I liked packing away.” Layla “I liked packing away. Playing in home corner.” Sage “I enjoyed going outside today, going in circles.” Elliott “I liked doing soccer and drawing all the Halloween pictures.” Jaxon ” Playing with Sage.” Harper ” Playing in home corner with Jaxon and packing away.” Wynter ” Drawing I drawed a superhero.  I made castle.”  Graysen ” Playing with Jaxon doing drawing and the big trucks.” Austin ” Playing with Jaxon.” Liam “Doing the spider race and home corner and playing with the dinosaur.”

What would like to do tomorrow?

Harper “Painting with purple pink and black.” Wynter “Make colours.” Hamilton “I want to do spider race again.” Graysen ” I like doing the parachute.”  This afternoon I will encourage the children to help organise and set up these for tomorrow.

Don’t forget about our Halloween party tomorrow night. The children are welcome to dress up during the day with us too.

Have a wonderful afternoon.

Miss Emma and Mr G