Welcome to Wednesday everyone, we hope you are having a wonderful day as we are in the Kindergarten.
This morning we started our day with some delicious fruit ice blocks and fruit, this was a perfect start to the day especially as it has been so warm. We then came inside to start our Kindy day at group time. This morning we started as usual with our hello to the children of the world song, it is wonderful to hear that lots of you have been putting this on at home for your children too. As it is getting closer to the end of the year we had a small discussion about which prep the children are going to next year. We found out that most of our friends are going to Oxenford State School, two of our friends are going to Jubilee, one is going to Picnic creek and another to Highland reserve. The children all seem very excited about going to Prep next year. Please remember to add where your child is going to Prep on the display which is on the wall in the Kindergarten room. After our discussion we listened to the fairy tale Snow white and the seven dwarves before transitioning of the mat into our morning activities.
The children were very eager to get involved into the variety of experiences on offer this morning. One of which was “Can you build a chair or bed for the three bears?” Lots of our friends were up to the challenge eager to make items of furniture for the bears and for Goldilocks. Layla was making a big tall house, Liam was making a big couch the biggest for Daddy bear, and Hamilton was making a couch for them and a ladder for them because it was so high. Austin decided that he wanted to make tall towers which he did a great job of balancing the blocks on top of one another to make his tall towers. As the children engaged in this experience they were exploring and engaging in conversation with mathematical language as they talked about tallest and biggest. The children also had the opportunity to use their problem solving skills, persist with difficulty, engage in conversation with their peers, focus on the task at hand and use their memory recall skills as they remembered aspects from the story. Great work everyone.
As in the afternoon yesterday the children were very interested when Miss TJ was making paper planes, I thought we could try our hand at making our own paper planes in the Kindy room, using pictures to help guide the children to make their paper planes. As we began this process we soon found out that both Hayley and Mr G were experts at making paper planes. This was a great opportunity for Hayley to use her expertise to show and help her friends make paper planes, well done Hayley. This are soon became a hive of activity as the children were all eager to have a turn at making one. Once the children had finished making their planes, I took the children out in small groups to fly their planes. Here we went out to investigate who’s plane could fly the furthest, we explored different techniques of flying the planes and we had to battle with the elements as it began to get windy. This provided the opportunity for us to talk about what we thought would happen when we tried to fly our planes with the wind, the children thought that the wind would help their planes fly further. When we tested out this theory in some cases it helped the children’s planes fly, but in other cases the wind blew their planes in different directions. Tomorrow we will revisit this incorporating more numeracy through measuring using our feet, hands and measuring instruments as well as exploring different techniques for throwing our planes.
During the morning the children enjoyed exploring the musical instruments exploring rhythm, and beat as they created their own sound and music. I then asked the children if they would like to play their instruments to any songs, Liam asked to have the Thunder song as that is his favourite song, Sage asked for Gold Digger, Layla asked for Driving my tractor and I put on we will rock you. The children did such a fantastic job at playing their various instruments to the different types of music exploring their unique rhythms, beats and tempos.
Other play that occurred during the morning was painting where the children had the opportunity to freely express their imagination and creativity. They enjoyed using their construction skills as they built with the multi shaped blocks. The children also role played being face painters as they used the paintbrushes to paint their peers faces.
At group time before lunch the children had the opportunity to share what they enjoyed doing during the morning. This is a great opportunity for children to once again use their memory recall and reflect on their learning. They were also provided with the opportunity to share what they would like to do tomorrow. Hayley enjoyed playing with the paper planes and outside. Elliott enjoyed making the big paper airplanes. Sage enjoyed making music with the drums. Layla enjoyed making music and playing with the blocks. Jaxon enjoyed making paper airplanes. Tomorrow the children would like to make paper planes again and make some more music.
We hope you have a wonderful afternoon
Miss Emma and Mr G