Happy Wednesday everyone and welcome to another wonderful day in the Kindergarten, with lots of wonderful play occurring. We welcomed back our friend Jaxon who has been away on holiday in New Zealand with his Dad for nearly three weeks, his friends were very happy to see him back. We would also like to wish Sage a big happy birthday for tomorrow, we hope he has a wonderful day celebrating with his family.

At group time this morning Emily, Jaxon, Hayley and Sage were eager to share news from their holidays and long weekend adventures. Jaxon told us about his trip to New Zealand where he went to the park and he went to the beach. Sage, went on a glass bottom boat with his Aunties, Mum and Chilli. He saw a Walrus and there were Zebra fish. Emily went to the Sunshine Coast where she slept, she went for a bike ride on the road and she went shopping and got new Thongs and a Teddy Bear. Hayley told us about getting a pool at her house. Thank you for sharing your news friends. After group time we then moved into our morning activities. Hamilton did a fantastic job at transitioning the children by clapping their names.

As the children continue to show an interest in expressing their creativity, today the children had the opportunity to explore, experiment and create using a different art medium. This type of art was called salt art. Firstly the children used a squeezy bottle that was filled with glue to create a design/picture on their page, then they sprinkled salt over top of the glue, once the glue has set/dried the children will have the opportunity to use dye to paint and decorate their picture, which will likely be tomorrow. Todays creations included Layla- “I’m making bones.” Sage “It’s a fossil bone from Jurassic park and a really cool dragon.” Harper ” I’m going to make a heart love.”  Emily “I’m making a Doggy face.” Elliott “I’m making a spider web.” Hayley “It’s a A.” This experience was a great opportunity for the children to be creative, use their imagination, experiment with a different from of art, further strengthen their fine motor skills, use their descriptive language and use their hand eye coordination. This week we will also explore the salt art by creating our names using the same process. This will be an opportunity for the children to practice their letter formations in a fun way.

As requested by the children yesterday, we had the cup cake play dough experience out for the children to explore, today we added some coloured rice for the children to use as sprinkles. Once again we had lots of delicious cupcakes being made and Wynter made some yummy pancakes with sprinkles for all her friends.

Outside this morning Mr G had set up a really fun obstacle race for the children to further explore their interest in races. As the children engaged in this experience they had the opportunity to explore their physical skills as they explored the concepts of going under, over, up, down and around. The children used their balancing skills, turn taking, and how to be a good sport by cheering on our friends, and that it is okay if we do not win we just try our best. We will continue to incorporate more obstacle races as this interest continues to emerge. Tomorrow we will encourage the children to support Mr G by helping set up the next obstacle challenge.

Other play that occurred this morning included manipulative block construction where Hamilton was making a tower that was eighty metres high and Sage was making little cages for the bears. Emily, Harper, Wynter and Elliott created collages using a variety of materials. Graysen enjoyed exploring the puzzles both independently and with his friend Jaxon. Liam, Jaxon, Graysen and Matthew had fun engaging in collaborative play in home corner where they were selling lots of coffee.

At group time before lunch we reflected on our morning, where the children had the opportunity to share what activities or experiences they enjoyed today and also talking about what we might like to revisit tomorrow. This is a great opportunity for children to develop the confidence to communicate in front of the group along with feeling a sense of belonging as their ideas and thoughts are valued.

What we enjoyed today

Harper- ” Doing the gluing pictures and making craft.” Hayley “Doing the glue pictures and the race.” Elliott “The race and I liked doing the salt and glue drawing.” Layla ” I like doing the race and I liked doing the salty pictures.” Jaxon” Playing in home corner with Hayley and Graysen and I like the race.” Liam ” Doing the race and doing home corner.” Emily ” Doing the race and doing the salty pictures.” Hamilton “Doing the race and the building.”

What we would like to do tomorrow.

Layla ” I want to do some more salty pictures again and drawing and cupcakes again.” Hayley ” Play with the obstacle course and doing the salt pictures.” Harper ” The salt thing and some drawing and play in home corner.”

Have a great afternoon

Miss Emma and Mr Ginner