Welcome to wonderful Monday, and welcome back to Theo, Braxton and Sunni who have returned from holidays. We also had a brand new friend Harper join the Riversdale family today, we welcome her and her family and we look forward to getting to know you further.
This morning after our morning play, we ventured inside to have our morning tea. Today the children got to try something new for morning tea, as they served up their own meal using the tongs. This is a great opportunity for the children to further develop their independence, strengthen their fine motor skills through using the tongs, use their hand eye coordination and decision making skills. It was great to see the children so enthusiastic about serving up their own meals and it was great to see them eating lots of healthy fruit. Well done everyone. The children will continue to have the opportunity to serve their meals during their kindergarten journey.
After fuelling our bodies with our delicious morning tea we moved on to the group mat. This was an opportunity for me to talk to the children about the expectations at group time, how we sit and raising our hand if we have something we would like to say and taking turns in conversations. The children were very excited to get engaged in their play this morning, but before we could do that we needed to set up our experiences for our morning play. A big part of being in the Kindergarten room is the children take responsibility for suggesting ideas and setting up play experiences for the children to engage in, alongside the experiences I have organised. This mornings choices for play included painting, Lego, puzzles, home corner play and stickle brick construction. Throughout the children’s play, I loved hearing the conversations the children were having with one another as they talked about what they were creating and inviting their friends to join in building their creation.
During the course of the morning I read the story “The rainbow unicorn”, which the children from last year particularly enjoyed. The story is about a rainbow unicorn who’s poo which is a rainbow, turns the snow and it surrounds into rainbow colours. This ignited a wonderful discussion about snow, and why here in Queensland we do not have snow as it is too hot. It was great to hear the children adding their ideas into the conversation as they shared their knowledge about snow and ice. I suggested that maybe we could make some ice for tomorrow, which the children thought was a great idea. After I had gathered some materials for the ice making the children had the opportunity to pour water into the vessels before I placed them into the freezer. Tomorrow we will explore ice in varying ways through putting it in the outdoor environment to see what happens, and painting the ice which one of our friends suggested. Through these experience the children will be encouraged to share their ideas of what they think might happen, observe and share their findings. I look forward to exploring this with the children tomorrow.
This afternoon the children will have a variety of activities to explore from construction, drawing, the children will have the opportunity to reflect on their day sharing what they have enjoyed and what they would like to do tomorrow. This is a great activity to encourage the children to share their ideas, be confident in talking in a group situation and using their memory recall skills.
We hope you are have a lovely day
Miss Emma and Miss Otavia