07 5529 8744 [email protected]

Monday 6th January 2020


Happy Magic Monday Vibes !


This morning we started our welcoming with our beautiful friends Edward, Abel, Orion, Millie, Oliver & Jesse!


Our friends are all familiar with each other and they all were happy to see each other with lots of laughs and friendly greetings..

We have Abel, Millie, Orion all getting so steady on their feet! Very confident strong walkers we have!! Abel is always full of laughs and giggles with his friends.. Millie is talking very clear & likes to copy lots of words ‘more, hello, bye…. Jesse is chatting lots with helloooo to everyone who walks in the room!

Miss Tania, Abel, Orion, Millie were all playing hide and seek with each other – they were so engaged with each other, getting faster on their feet and always showing such surprise when they found each other! So much fun..

Edward & Oliver are getting stronger on their feet – they are moving around so well ! Oli is really going well with his crawling!! Oli has discovered so much more in the room and outside!

All our little friends enjoyed the Aboriginal Beats we had on this morning – Abel, Edward were showing us their funky moves!! It was nice hearing different sounds this morning!

Abel was engaged with reading, Orion was showing us how clever he was with Abel & Millie popping the shapes in the box!

We enjoyed some sunshine outside today and really got moving with balls , sand play & using our gross motor skills..

Our lunch time today was a very social one wit all the high chairs facing each other & all the little friends engaged in conversation some happy to blow raspberries with a mouthful of food!

Miss Tania sang ‘The Wheels On The Bus’ which ALL were engaged! They love singing, dancing, laughing! We all had the ha ha ha moments..

We thank you all for another beautiful day in the babies room we welcome back some of you back from holidays – such a great start to the week & year !!


Love Miss Tania & Miss Amanda