Good Afternoon Pre-kindy families 🙂
Happy Monday, we hope you all had a great weekend and are looking forward to the weekend ahead. Today we began our morning in the Pre-Kindy classroom, due to the rain we remained inside for the morning. We started off with drawing and cutting which saw Ariana, Charlotte and harry partake in. We got out the marble track set and began to build this attracted Harrison, Harry, Colton, Bjorn, Lachlan and Charlotte to come a build. myna, Madelyn, Grace, Poppy and Zarah enjoyed the morning in home corner where they played mum, dads and babies.
As the morning went on we then cleaned up the class and got ourselves seated for morning meditation we then enjoyed some morning tea. Â before going into the morning activities. Today we has dinosaur drawing outside which was meant to be shadow drawing but the sun did not want to show itself so we did tracing instead. We also had a variety of drawing taking place on the chalk boards. It was Romney with day today so we got to make cupcakes ! Which was super fun and yummy.
We then headed outside for some fresh air. You could find the Pre-Kindy classroom up in the tree house having a dance party!! We then enjoyed our lunch before having a rest.
This afternoon we enjoyed story time with Miss Tiff, afternoon tea and then headed outside for some fun.
Have a great afternoon,
Love Miss Tiff and Miss Connie x