Welcome to the end of the week at Riversdale OSHC. It’s Red Nose Day today and as an extension of painting red noses for the children, at their request, I painted spiders on their hands. Running with a game of tag, swings, scooters and bikes helped to disperse energy in a positive way. Indoors Scarlett and Wynter requested to continue colouring in the fruit ISpy search. “I need one more carrot, to make 7 carrots” said scarlet. Counting and problem solving skills as the girls made comparisons in conversations. Sienna and Tia played hand ball, while Billy and Lucas rallied with a game of ping pong. Transition to school, catch the ball and name something nice you are going to do for someone else today.
A busy afternoon as the rain had us occupy the Kindy 2 room. Tia, Mariah, Keyalee and Ellie, enhanced their creativity and fine motor muscle development as they rolled and kneeded the playdough with a sense of agency. Falagne, Parker and Maha played with the round connectors. “You can make motor bikes with these” said Falagne excitedly, “i’ve Made a spinner” said Parker as he spun the circular discs on the table. “Can you take a photo of the garden I made” asked Maha. Falange and Parker went on to make giant spiders and versed them in battle. Taylah, Logan and Sienna took turns to write on white boards and play a word guessing game. Children went on to extend their own play experiences to dress ups, dancing, and then shops and restaurants. Role playing shop keepers and customers whilst doing maths skills in counting play money.
Have a great weekend everyone, looking forwards to seeing you all again soon.
P.S., was great to share some photos with some of you from my iPad today 🥰. Miss Lea x 😎👋🤩🐝💚🙌🏻👣