Hello everybody. Welcome to a new week at Riversdale Outside School Hours Care. This morning Wynter and Jordan constructed houses from waffle blocks before heading outdoors. As more friends joined in the children took turns to chillax on the swing, ride bikes, kick the soccer ball and conquer the obstacle course. We transitioned into the garden to water the plants, turn the compost, and weed the garden beds. Wynter and Bobby asked which plants were weeds and helped to pull them out. Bobby keenly dug in the garden bed preparing the garden for our sunflower seeds. We played the floor is lava game before school, then transitioned to school with maths sums when you catch the ball.
This afternoon as we walked back from school we talked about aboriginals and the first fleet, I extended on stories of the lost generations and why we have sorryday. The children extended with talks about volcanoes, tornados and earth quakes. Arriving back into the room, we read “wombat stew”. The children were engaged as we talked about the natural elements that were added to the wombat stew. As the children went to get their afternoon tea, there was echos of them singing the wombat stew song. Falagi constructed a skeleton from magnetic shapes, then extended his play to create a skeleton on a peg board. Bobby, Scarlett, Sienna, and Matilda role played schools and families in home corner. Creatively making storyline’s which reflected families daily lives. Dinner time, tuck shop, principals, school work, there was even walking home from school with the traffic controller. Out in the playground there was games of tag, and sensory play in the sandpit brought a sense of calmness.
Have a great night, take care and catch you up in the next post x Miss Lea 😎🥳😷🙌🏻👋🦋🐝