Hello OSHC families. Happy Tuesday. This morning Jordan, and Lucas rallied with games of footy. Lucas mentored Jordan of ways to do a backward pass. “Can we play Auz Tag now” asked Lucas. The boys sorted belts and tags, using negotiation skills to outline the field and rules before continuing their game. Tia set up a bakery, surrounding herself with pots pans, diferent textures of natural resources as she added them gradually into a big pot to stir. Indoors Scarlett, Sienna and Matilda interacted with the snails, becoming aware of kindness with living creatures. Photos with the stick insects helped the children conquer a fear. They learnt that the stick insect is a very gentle creature that just eats gum leaves. The titan stick insect is really big, and was quite a thrill. Bobby, Lucas, Jordan and Tia played a game of Grandma. One person can not see but she can hear. “I’m here to your left” propped Bobby as Lucas crouched over like a granny with his eyes closed reached out his hands to the left. Lots of laughs as the children relied on what they could hear. Transitioning to school, Catch the ball and name some thing that is scary. In the garden Lucas, Bobby, Jordan tried our choc mint herb. “Can I have some more” asked Jordan. Walk and talk, things we are good at.
This afternoon, group story “The fly that forgot its name” As an extension of conversations this morning, there was colouring in sheets of emotions and feelings to help enhance our self esteem. Giant connect 4 games had the children planning out their strategies and moves to be the first one to connect 4 discs in a line. To decide on who goes first the children spontaneously did scissors, paper, rock. Science experiments with water, sponges, little cups and suringes. Charlie and Eva dressed up in home corner creating story lines as they prepared plates of play food to serve meals to each other. Outdoors there was time for a quick run around and sensory play in the sand pit.
Thanks for visiting the OSHC page.Take care and enjoy the rest of your day and night. ❤️💚🥰🌺🌻😎😷🐝🦋🌺. Miss Lea