HappyWednesday everyone. This morning Wynter and Lucas continued on their fruit search with the ISpy colour in sheets. Steady hands as Matilda and I played games of Jenga, as Lucas and Wynter constructed a huge marble maze tower together. Out in the playground Scarlett, Sienna, Matilda took turns on the big swing. Solo turns on the swing while others pushed. Four minutes each ensured a sense of fairness. Tia constructed blocks to make multiple layer stairs as an obstacle course to balance on and walk over. Lucas,and Billy perfected their basketball and kicking skills with the soccer ball while running. Indoors, Lucas, Bobby and Billy took turns for bottle toss, extending their play experience to drawing a target onto a white board to make it a little more precise. Scarlett, Sienna and Matilda played families, wearing Aboriginal capes as skirts, with wallets filled with money they cruised the room as a shopping centre considering what to buy. Tia and Wynter used the sign language charts to make actions with their bodies, we tried to guess the sign but looked at the charts for reference. Transition to school, catch the ball and name your favourite shape.
This afternoon started with a group game of charades. Sage started off by crawling on the floor, raising one arm in the air. “What am I” she asked. “An elephant, guessed Matilda. The children then took turns to creatively act out an animal or action. Mariah read Angelina Ballerina with Miss Aleah. Multiple games of Twister kept the children focusing on their balance and gross motor skills. At the drawing table Kianni, Mariah, Ellie, Lucy, Maha, Taylah, Keyalee and Tia drew flowers rainbows, garden scenes, patterns, enhancing their creative and fine motor skills. Matilda, Sage and Ruby, used the dress ups and danced to the music. Bobby and Parker made patterns on the light box. Lots of creative colour play today. A quick run around outside this afternoon brought a game of tag.
Thanks for visiting the OSHC page, if you would like to see more photos please ask and I would love to share the many child photos with you.
Enjoy the rest of your day, keep safe and happy. See you all again soon x Miss Lea 😷😎🤩👋🥳🌻🐌❤️