Happy Friday families, what a busy week it has been. Let me start todays blog by saying how grateful I am to have had the opportunity to watch your beautiful children engage, explore and grow throughout the year. I have built strong connections with each child and am missing them all so much already. I would like to take this opportunity to say Thank-you to you, the wonderful families who have welcomed me into Riversdale and trusted me greatly in caring for your children, after working over 13years in the industry I can honestly say this year has been my most enjoyable year. I look forward to visiting and making my return to Riversdale early next year.
Today we didn’t have too much planned we let the children’s explorations determine our plan for the day. The sun was shining and they children seemed to be extremely engaged in the outdoor environment. this is where we stayed, Cohen had asked for the song ‘Move it, move it’ and ‘Dance monkey’ so we decided to have a dance party in the treehouse, this worked out well as it insured the children were warmed up and ready for our weekly funky feet lesson with Miss Jenn
While exploring the big yard, Cohen, Lincoln and Cruiz engaged in a game of bowling Cohen enjoyed standing the pins up and configuring where they go, he used this time to make patterns and count all the pins. Cruiz and Lincoln preferred to knock all the pins down. Harper and Ariana enjoyed the monkey bars and the wooden boat, using the boat to travel to a island then joining Conall in the sandpit to search for treasure before escaping using the monkey bars. Harry really enjoyed the orange bike, riding the bike around the bike track and over past the sandpit and veranda, he was joined by Romney.
Miss Tiff set up a reading area in-between the sandpit and bike track, Grace, Harrison M, Aleksandar, Amelia and Ella joined Miss Tiff as she read a book of nursery rhymes, Wombat Stew, Going on a bear hunt and When I grow up. Ayla enjoyed the swing, she was joined by Conall and together they took turns at pushing each other. Harrison L joined them on the swing and soon Bjorn did too.
It has been such a wonderful last day with the PK children. Thank-you once again for a fantastic time.
Miss Bek and Miss Tiff <3