Happy Friday, Families! what a lovely day it has been. We utilised the sunshine today and spent our day exploring the outdoor environment. The children decided to call this Fun Friday!
We started our morning exploring sensory play in the sandpit and mud kitchen, with the weather being warm enough for the children to add water to the mix. They extended on their cognitive skills and fine and gross motor skills as they manipulated the sand equipment to transfer mix and add various resources to the buckets, bowls, pots and cupcake pans. The bikes were also a big hit in the yard this morning with the children initiating their own traffic light and pedestrian crossing exercise.
We shortly went inside for morning tea and group time, after reciting the indigenous acknowledgment and singing our good morning song, we went through the days of the week and took a look at the weather. This was when the children decided to spend the day in the outdoor environment, the discussion extended as we spoke about appropriate ways to stay safe in the warmer weather, this was when we applied our suncream, popped on our hats and lined up at the door.
Upon our return the the back yard, Miss Bek popped on some music we started our own dance party on the Pre-Kindergarten veranda, we have quite the little groovers in our class. Miss Tiff made paper chains with the children she began by cutting some paper into strips and giving the children the opportunity to colour and draw on the strips of paper before Miss Tiff stapled them together in loops.
Before we knew it Miss Jenn was here for our weekly Funky feet lesson. Today we danced too ‘Shake, Rattle and Roll’. the class was decided in to 3 groups, one group standing on the pink mat with the pink pom poms, they were the shakers. next were the children on the red mat, this group had maracas, they were the rattlers. And finally we had the blue mat group, the rollers, they had blue pom poms to roll. Miss jean assisted each group when it was their turn to participate, throughout this routine they moved onto the mat to their left partaking in another roll of the routine.
The day slipped away so fast and before we knew it, we were washing our hands and making our way inside for lunch and the rest period, the children were quite tired after their busy morning and all rested their bodies quite well.
We hope you have a wonderful weekend,
Miss Bek and Miss Tiff.