Happy Friday!
We started our day in the big yard today soaking up the sunshine as the warmer weather rolls in. We were all busy exploring the fresh new sand in the sandpit, using the shovels, buckets, pots, sieves, measuring cups and cup cake pans to manipulate and transfer the sand. Ariana and Harper explored the monkey bars while in the sandpit, Colton made a ramp for the trucks as he smoothed over one end of the large mound of sand. The children all engaged so well this morning.
We then moved inside for morning tea and group time. We started our group time by reciting the indigenous acknowledgment, the children recited this without educator assistance, they were quite proud of their efforts. We then went straight into our good morning song before exploring the days of the week and the weather.
During activity time Amelia had requested some drawing, she placed a stack of A4 paper in the middle of the table and added the basket of coloured pencils. She then sat down to draw a picture for her mummy. Harrison M, Colton and Romney sat down at the drawing table too. Harrison began to colour in his paper various coloured pencils, “Look at my rainbow” he said proudly as he held up his paper. Romney and Colton both decided to draw rainbows too, both talking about the colours they were using at each time. Bjorn has shown an extended interest in the puzzles, today he was able to complete all dinosaur puzzles and the large floor puzzle without assistance.
Harry explored the chalkboard easel, using the white chalk to write the first letter of his name. He was quite proud of this. Romney and Harrison M took their paper planes outside and flew them around the yard. Colton and Ariana shared the black police bike, taking turns at driving each other around the bike track. Harrison L was busy with on the red bike with Ella. Grace had a ball with her SK friend Zahra up in the treehouse dancing to the gummy bear song, as did Cohen, Harper, Amelia, and Romney.
This afternoon we plan to revisit our celery experiments and also see how our carrots are growing, before we making our way to the side yard.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Bek and Tiff