07 5529 8744 [email protected]

Good Afternoon Families,

Today the children engaged in a variety of sporting activities outside while we waited for everybody to join us to begin our day of learning.

The children appeared to enjoy riding bikes, being aware of sun smart safety with some reminding of wearing hats and playing in shaded areas otherwise enjoying finding their hats.

As we are practicing a new transition from outdoors to indoors, the children engaged in their morning group time outside. During this time we revised new and old morning routine songs, with sleeping bunnies and were going on a dragon hunt.

At group time Miss Steph did a follow up discussion of red/green choices. She was so impressed of how much some of the children could tell her already.

Indoors the children selected the table activities for the morning, and took turns doing their own shape recognition painting. The activities included lego, cars and shape recognition, construction, and sensory exploration with different materials. The children are showing a developing knowledge of key learning concepts relating to shapes, however we will continue to revise them.

Wishing you all a lovely Friday!