07 5529 8744 [email protected]

Happy Friday families!

Today we made elephants using our handprints. For this we used grey paint as per the children request. Miss She was in the room for this experience and assisted with painting the children hands. The children expressed how cold the paint was and even how it tickled when it was painted on. Once the handprints are dry we will add ears and eyes and pop them on the wall for all to see! The children are excited to show them off.

We explored dramatic play today, the children explored the identities of fire fighters, astronauts, surgeons and dinosaurs through our dress ups. The astronaut was the most loved dress up today.

Miss Jen arrived for our weekly funky feet lesson, today we worked on coordination and balance as the children took turns at the hopscotch mat. They did really well being able to jump from 2 feet to one foot and back again. After this the children each learnt how to do a front tuck roll. Plenty of giggles were shared.

We explored a lot of the outdoor environment, including having a picnic for afternoon tea and even having the rest period on the veranda. The children thoroughly enjoy the change of environment. We used the climbing equipment to make see-saws with each end onto of a safety mat. This experience was a lot of fun. as the day warmed up the children had access to water adding it to the sandpit as a sensory experience. we also explored the bikes, kitchen, swing, slide, large wooden blocks and the mud kitchen.

Have a wonderful safe weekend.

Miss Bek, Miss Lara and Miss Lee.