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Hello Parents and Friends!!! 🙂 Happy Monday
Warm welcome from Pre – Kindergarten classroom 🙂

Another wonderful day to explore and spend time with our friends around here today. We began our morning in the playground with our friends from Senior Kindgarden and Kindergarten – Played in the home kitchen – monkey bars on the sandpit – swinging in the swing and puddling the bikes around were the most favorite experiences in the yard this morning.

Once we came inside – the children were so excited to explore the room and engage in a variety of experiences. Before morning the timeout friends chose a book “ Muddy paws” and asked Miss Lyn to read it. They all sat down on the mat and carefully listened to all the books. When Miss Lyn finished the book she asked the children “ How do you have a puppy dog at home ?” so excited about the children start to relate their experience with their pets!

Also, this morning Miss Lyn decided to extend the children’s interests about recycling material and propose to the children to make Butterfly – with old magazines the children was invited to fold the magazine page and after that twist a peace of a little pipe cleaner to support and made the butterflies body – was a amazing experience to stimulated our little friends fine motor skills and also what a big challenged to fold a full page – and well done friends we shouldn’t be more proud about your beautiful butterfly  🙂  The children were also given the opportunity to express more  their creativity with a free brush paint.

In the end of the morning Pre Kindgarden classroom had a special moment with a yoga class – that just returned – Was a nice and special moment in our day. They all loved their stretch and breathing exercise.

The children were so excited to explore the room and engage in a variety of experiences this morning they also engaged with the following activities: Car and Train track, home corner, Building with blocks and much more.

Now we are having a lovely rest time in our beds listening to soft music and relaxing by charging our energy for another big adventure in the afternoon!

Everybody is looking forward to seeing Miss TJ and Miss Livia back with us tomorrow!!!

Check out the photos!!!

With Love

Miss Gabi and Miss Lyn