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Pre-Kindergarten 14/1/21 – Ms. Amy, Ms. Parminder & Ms. TJ

Throughout the course of the morning, during outdoor play time, the children were engaged in a variety of activities that focused on building gross motor skills. This included the use of the bicycles and the swings;  Additionally the children initiated chasing games where they practiced the taking turns chasing each other.

Once we entered the classroom the children practiced learning some new morning songs with Ms Amy. This included counting how many children were in attendance, as well as an Acknowledgement of Country. The group expressed much enthusiasm for the counting songs as they used Ms Amy’s rainbow glitter stick to complete this task.

Activity time today saw the children participate in Martial Arts class outdoors. There was much excitement surrounding this activity and the children eagerly practiced what they were being taught by the teachers. Indoors the children selected the table activities, and initiated some games on the mat. The table activities included cars and construction, and the mat games involved reading stories and teacher-roleplay.

At group time Ms Amy revised a behavioural recognition concept using red and green choice visual cues to identify what some of these cues are – the children will continue to revise such concepts over the coming weeks as we aim to create a classroom display based on this knowledge.

The children were also invited to select some stories that they wished to read and explore. We will extend on these story-based interests in future group times as well.

If you would like to find out more about your child’s day please feel free to get in touch with us.
We hope you all had a wonderful day!