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Welcome to Spring! the weather is warming up and the children are loving soaking up the sunshine.

We started the day in the big yard as we awaited further educators to commence their day, whilst in the big yard Colton explored the scooters with Lincoln and Sayde. Billy, Aleksandar and Cohen explored the balance beams, using gross motor skills and coordination to work their way from one beam to another, it got tricky with the balance beams placed like see-saws. Conall was exploring the sandpit with Charlotte while Myla and Ivy cooked up a storm with the kitchens. We then made our way to the small yard, where Miss Tiff engaged in a trust type exercise with the children after watching them dive onto the blue safety mats. Colton, Conall, Lincoln and Sayde worked together completing the floor puzzles on the circular paved area, Ivy extended on her play by visiting the wooden kitchen, Charlotte joined in. Myla was joined by Everlea as they explored the gardens.

We then made our way inside for morning tea and a quick group time, we transitioned by washing our hands and reapplying our suncream.

We ventured back outdoors for Arakan today, Mr Tim initiated games throughout our lesson such as ‘can you find the pads’ and running races. This lesson was focused on concentration and following instruction. Once Arakan had concluded the children opted to stay in the outdoor environment. Myla and Everlea explored the hill before moving along to the wooden boat next to the sandpit. Harper was busy on the monkey bars before heading over to the swing where she spotted Delila. Lachlan was busy exploring new ways to go down the slide, backwards on his tummy was the funnest way.

The children washed their hands and made their way inside for lunch and the rest period, For quiet activities the children who did not opt for a sleep explored quiet ready, drawing and puzzles, Miss Tiffany then applied suncream with those awake and they all went back into the big yard.

We had a great day exploring the sunshine today.

Miss Bek and Miss Tiffany.