HaPpY ThUrSdAy!
Welcome Bonnie to the Pre-Kindy classroom. Bonnie was super excited to sit on the chair in front of her new classmates and introduce herself. Bonnie said that she “Has a sister at school and her mum is her sister too”. Bonnie also told us that her favourite colour is pink. Everyone did an amazing job at helping Bonnie around the classroom and invited her to play.
Ellia and Maia were super ecstatic when they realised they were wearing the same shirt today. Marlie chose ‘The Farmer’s Hat’ to read at group time and then the children transitioned off to outside play by choosing a partner to hold their hand and then grab jumpers and hats to head outside. We decided to took our activities outside since we had a couple of friends, including our new friend Bonnie asking us if we can play outside longer. The class enjoyed running around the yard, climbing over the hill, sliding down the slide, racing around the track on the bikes and scooters and swinging on the large swing. We also invited the children to paint our paper mache master piece that we have been working on over the week. We painted the Earth green and blue to represent the clean water and clean land that we would like Earth to always look like. A delicious lunch we had today. The children are becoming much more confident and eager to try new foods every week. They also show off their muscles from eating the food. Great Job Pre Kindy!
This afternoon we are making our way over to the new slides which you can view from the car park. The children are so excited and cant stop talking about the “new playground”. This is where the children will be for pick up this afternoon until around 4:30pm.
Have a wonderful afternoon. See you next time
Miss TJ and Miss Livia xx