Welcome to Tuesday’s Blog 😊
Today we welcomed Ella back to kindy. The class were very excited to see her and once she had settled, Ella was excited to run around with her friends. It is so lovely to have nearly everyone back in the class, we have missed you so much!
This morning we waited patiently for the yard to dry up after a bit of rain last night. Once we were free to head outside the children ran off to explore the tree house, the mud kitchen and sliding down the hill. Today we had Mr Oskar in the classroom who the children gravitated towards for a morning reading session. Mr Oskar read ‘Mr Tall’ to a small group while the other Pre Kindy children chose to read quietly by themselves, enjoying flicking through the pages. Miss TJ then introduced our ‘Mindfulness stress balls’ for the children to play with at the Mindfulness station. We made our very own stress balls in the sandpit this morning with balloons and sand. In Pre Kindy we are always talking about ways we can get rid of our “Monsters” inside of our bodies. Our monsters could be sad, angry, anxious or even crazy and sometimes we want them to go away for us to calm down. Doing Belly breathing, laying down, reading a book or squeezing a stress ball can help us. Today we also had a group discussion on the rules for the Mindfulness station and when you could use it. Transitioned off to our indoor/outdoor planned day we played ‘Currant Buns’. We started with 9 currant buns, counting together. Our other friends payed Miss TJ a dollar to buy a “currant bun” and take them to am activity together. It’s a great experience for the children to interact with a new friend and practice our numeracy. The class love the game and are starting to sing along to the words of the song.
Our indoor/outdoor days have been very successful. The children are loving the responsibility to choose what area and environment they would like to play in. Outdoors the children played with a sensory water and ice trough with ocean animals. “Its cold” said Ivy as she picked up the large ice block with a frozen flower inside. Mr Oskar and the children went through the ocean animals’ names and some facts about them. The children were very engaged and have continued to show interest in the Ocean. The group eventually made their way around the yard where they were racing up and down the slides, digging in the sand pit and riding around on the bikes. A few friends are still a bit nervous to slide down the slide so we all used words of encouragement and Miss TJ helped them go down slowly.
Inside, the children enjoyed the farm and barn set up where they could role play stories and work collaboratively with a friend to have conversations with their characters. A few friends also enjoyed grabbing some art things off the shelf to create art pieces such as scissors, pens, coloured paper and crayons. Some children were also called to do one on one time with Miss TJ where we practiced our numeracy skills, showing what number we can count up to. We will be documenting this in their journals.
Hope you all have a great afternoon
Miss TJ and Mr Oskar x