07 5529 8744 [email protected]


Good Afternoon Families,

This morning, during our outside play, we chose kitchen area, sandpit, and trestles to play. We also got engaged in play with our peers next door. Outside play helps in gross motor skills and also helps children explore their surroundings.

During the group time, we revised the red and green choices. This time children help to put the pictures on the choice where they belong.

During inside play, we did pattern textured finger painting, this time we added sand to one paint and glitter to another one and used are fingers to paint them on the paper. We also got the opportunity to mix it with our fingers. Children told Miss Parminder, that the paint with the sand feels so nice to touch. We also had dinosaur world on one table again, as children enjoyed playing with the dinosaurs and shared the dinosaurs with our friends. The children played in the home corner, where some of them pretended to be babies and some pretended to be mums.


One child brought a book today, and he asked Miss Parminder to read it in the group time. The children participated in reading that book. We looked at pictures in the book and interacted with each other that what can we see.

Have a wonderful day ahead!

By Parminder and Tiffany