Happy Tuesday Everyone!
This morning the children enjoyed their morning play outside in the 2nd playground or as the children like to call it, “The new slides”. They worked together to make an obstacle course and also enjoyed greeting their friends through the fence to the car park as they arrived to kindy.
During our morning group time we continued to learn a new song called Taba Naba which is a Torres Strait Islander song that means lets all go down to the reef. The children love learning the actions and are slowly becoming more familiar with the lyrics. Our friend India wanted to share her windmill that she made with her mum. Marlie also wanted to share her Pokemon card and our friend Emerson asked if he could share some news which was that he now has a baby brother called Cohen. This then lead onto a conversation about brothers and sisters and who is in our families.
Transitioning to activity time the children chose a partner to walk and go do an activity together. On the craft table we followed on from our morning discussion about families and asked the children to draw the people in their family including pets or friends. They loved doing this experience and having chats to one other about their families. Willow had her 4th birthday yesterday and decided to bring in a cake mix. Miss Livia worked with small groups of children to grab the ingredients, measure the ingredients and mix them all together. In the afternoon we sang Happy Birthday to Willow and had the delicious cake! Continuing on with the Pre Kindy’s enjoyment with construction we added the wooden nuts and bolts to the table and the children used the recycle items to build and design homes for the animals.
Before lunch we made our way over to the after school care yard enjoying the sunshine, running around, playing ball games with each other and practicing our hoola hooping!
Have a wonderful afternoon!
Miss TJ and Miss Livia xx